The Brewer's Bread
Our hours are Wed-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Sat-Sun 8:00 AM-3:00PM . Located at 2600 NW Vaughn St. Portland Oregon. . Follow us on Instagram @thebrewersbread Call 541-393-4659 for more infoDon’t Miss
Daily Specials
Wed. Seeded Spelt
Thurs. Kalamata Olive & Feta
Fri. Habanero Parm boule and 6S(super sized sesame soft sour dough sandwich loaf)
Sat. Fougasse
Sun. Cinnamon Raisin
We now offer a sourdough rye batard daily and a habanero parmesan boule on Fridays

We are located at 2600 NW Vaughn St Portland Oregon.